A seated white woman is interviewed in front of a camera. She is gesturing with her hands and wearing bright red shoes.
Katie Ries is an artist and teacher. This is a sample post demonstrating how you might introduce yourself on our site.

This is a sample post demonstrating how you might introduce yourself on our site. Your “featured image” should be a photograph of you at work, set to 400 px wide. Your illustrated self-portrait should be an image added to the post (as shown below). 

Use the manual excerpt function to write a short one-sentence bio. You’ll find that in the settings to the right of the editing area in WordPress.

My name is Katie Ries. I’m an artist and art professor living in Wisconsin and teaching at St. Norbert College. I use drawing, printmaking, humor, and social engagement to make art about modern environmentalism. You can see more of my work here: whoshareswins.com

Perfect Lovers, 6.5″ x 6.5″, 2019
One of 31 small, daily gouache paintings from October 2019